#5, la Esmeralda, Bronce


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Reserva velvet

Un espacio donde la modernidad y la tradición se encuentran para ofrecerte lo mejor. Aquí no solo encontraras productos de calidad en moda, hogar y tecnología, sino también creaciones únicas hechas con amor por manos locales, artesanías, textiles, joyería cerámica y arte que cuentan historias.
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Services For Every Occasion

List down special services you offer on occasions like weddings, etc.


Wedding Makeup

A little detail about the service you\’ve mentioned above. Tell them what you do.


Party Makeup

A little detail about the service you\’ve mentioned above. Tell them what you do.


Fashion Makeup

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A little detail about the service you\’ve mentioned above. Tell them what you do.


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Awesome Monsoon Sale – 25% OFF On All Professional Make Up From Only $59 Book An Appointment

Priced Beauty Solutions

A section to list down your services and their prices as shown below.

Hair Cuts

Women\’s Haircut


Stylist Haircut


Teen\’s Haircut


Childern\’s Haircut


Make Up

Regular Makeup


Quick Fix Makeup


Just Eyes


Bridal Trial


Hair Color

Single Process


L\’oreal Color


Full Highlights


Half Highlights


Skin Care



Nutritional Advice




Regular Skin Care


Review Us


Testimonials boost conversions. We are sure you have satisfied many clients along your way.They\’ll prove how good you really are. Awesome place with beautiful people who want you to get well soon. Their suggestions are something that you cannot miss!

Sharon Harper, Femina Miss Asia